The day youth arrive for their first Sea School trip they become trainees in our Youth Leadership Arc. Through this approach we offer youth an opportunity to build on the experience of growth and responsibility that our programs provide. The Leadership Arc creates a clear path for older students to train younger ones, for graduated students to become instructors, staff, and workshop leaders, and for young trainees and instructors to be supported in finding other training and employment experiences in our community and beyond.
Our Leadership Arc is structured into ranks which youth can achieve:
Participants who have completed 1 trip gain their SEA LEGS and receive a Sea School Handbook where they can learn about the Leadership Program and the ranks they are able to work towards.
This program is for students between 12 and 16 years old who have demonstrated leadership skills or expressed interest in the program. The program is closely linked with the Leading crew program, is free of charge, but does not include a free trip.
For those who are interested in becoming Lead Crew but do not yet meet the eligibility requirements (listed in document below) to become LC this year, you can still apply for the Lead Crew Training Program because the role of Lead Crew-in-Training (LCIT) is available. As a LCIT, you will be offered the opportunity to participate in Lead Crew Training events such as Day Sails and hikes, volunteer days and training evenings while becoming ready to step into the role of Lead Crew in the future years as you work on and achieve the eligibility requirements. There are no requirements to becoming LCIT other than completing the LEAD CREW Application below, which includes sending a Cover letter and Resume.
This program is for students over 16 years old who have completed 2 - 3 sailing expedition trips and demonstrated an interest in improving their leadership and seamanship skills. As this is a position of significant responsibility, Leading Crew do not pay for their expeditions.
As Lead Crew (LC) you get the opportunity to work with the Sea School instructors and be a part of the crew. This can be a first step to becoming an instructor trainee. You will learn about leadership, teamwork, safety, basic skills, and how it feels to help maintain the well-being of the crew. We encourage you to have fun while setting a positive example for your crew members. As Lead Crew you are considered an important bridge between the participants and instructing team and do not pay tuition for your trip, however it is a volunteer position with no wage or honorarium. Applying to become LC does not guarantee you a summer position as LC, however it is an essential first step. After receiving all LC applications and reviewing them along with each candidate's qualifications and consulting with our Instructors we will decide who will be offered the limited summer positions. However, all applicants to the Lead Crew Training Program will have the opportunity to participate in other Program Events throughout the year.
Our Leadership Arc offers a consistent and supportive community where youth feel comfortable being themselves and capable of achieving more. This is a critical element in ensuring that youth are able to stay “on track” in building their skills and self-esteem. Many Sea School participants find their way up the ranks of our program and from there into positions on Tall Ships, in the marine and sailing industries or as boat-builders and carpenters. In turn, the Sea School connects these industries with excellent young employees just as they discover their career potential through involvement with the Sea School. On a Sea School program young people gain social lessons for life and work and skills for future employment.
Assistant Program/Admin/Provisions Officer
Participants who are over the age of 19 are invited to apply to become a LO or PO as a paid summer employment opportunity. Duties include: provisioning for expeditions, on-call duties, logistical planning, administrative support.
Assistant Instructor
Participants who are 19 years or older are invited to apply to become a paid assistant instructor. To be eligible, each applicant must complete the standards log, which is issued at the LC rank. Typically AIs will have pursued further training opportunities outside of Sea School in specialized marine trades. Duties include: instruction on expeditions, day sails, supporting fleet maintenance and safety management, and delivering workshops.
Assistant Instructors who demonstrate skills and knowledge in fleet maintenance and gear preparations can apply to become the Bosun as a paid summer employment opportunity. Duties include: overseeing fleet maintenance schedule, meeting Transport Canada requirements for Small Commercial vessels, reviewing gear inventory and preparing boats with required equipment pre-season, maintaining boats and gear during season.
Assistant Instructors who complete the Head Instructor Log and have successful performance reviews in addition to pursuing external training opportunities may be invited to apply for the rank of Captain. This is a paid position. Duties include: instruction on expeditions and day sails, supporting fleet maintenance and safety management, maintaining boathouse and gear areas.