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Age - 12 - 19


Price - $100  *bursary support is available


Location - Online, At Home, & Outside!


Dates - July 9 - August 27



  • Two months of ongoing weekly Sea School programming

  • 2 Adventure Boxes w/skills activities & projects

  • Adventure Project Boxes full of fun projects & materials

  • Access to the broader Sea School community

  • Ongoing monthly activities throughout the Fall & Winter

Ahoy Sea Schoolers!


You are invited to participate in the Nova Scotia Sea School’s SALTY DOGS SKILLS PROGRAM! As we all adjust to new conditions this summer, the Sea School wants to ensure its participants are able to access some of the skills, leadership opportunities and fun connections normally available through our summer programming! 


SALTY DOGS SKILLS PROGRAM will involve remote learning workshops, “Adventure Project Boxes”, skills development, and the opportunity to connect with the greater Sea School community every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer (July & August), with complementary programming running throughout the fall and winter of 2020. 


We are using this SALTY DOGS SKILLS PROGRAM as an opportunity to kickstart our ‘Zoe Nudell Youth Leadership Training Program’ which will run from September through May. This program will provide Sea School participants the opportunity to remain engaged with the Sea School throughout the year, learn a wide range of wilderness and nautical skills, engage with industry leaders, and be introduced to a wealth of opportunities just outside your door. 

Below, we have included Calendars which outline this summer’s programming schedule, and brief descriptions of each component of the program. Most of the workshops will be offered online; if access to online or digital resources is a limiting factor, please reach out and we will do our best to accommodate and adapt based on specific needs. However, since the Sea School loves to get our hands dirty, our Adventure Project Boxes will be a central aspect of this summer’s programming. These boxes will be delivered twice during the summer to central locations in each of our active districts. If you live outside these areas or otherwise cannot make it to these locations, reach out to us and boxes can be mailed to you as well.


The first online ZOOM meeting will be an informative introduction to the program with a few ice breakers, a question and answer period, and possibly a short presentation from a surprise guest speaker on July 9.


SLSP July Calendar.jpg




This introductory evening on July 9th is an opportunity for us to “gather” online via ZOOM, get to know one another, talk a little bit about the program, and answer any questions you may have regarding the program



The theme for July is KNOT SKILLS!  Inside this box you’ll find many knot-related materials including rope, instructionals, inspirational projects, and lots of other fun stuff to improve your knot knowledge to use on land and at sea!



Knot-themed workshop & a themed presentation TBA via ZOOM

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The theme for August is WIND & WEATHER!  Inside this month’s box you’ll find instructions and materials for building various types of KITES, alongside ways to scavenge & recycle some of the materials



Weather-themed workshop & a themed presentation TBA via ZOOM



The summer FINALE!  We’ll get together and fly our kites together, share stories about our summer, and GET OUTSIDE!  This day may be divided into two based on projected turn-out, and the health regulations at that time. This is also the day that all submissions for the Sea School Zine Project will be due.



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