Bursaries and Payment Options
Action 1: Apply through our Campbrain registration link https://seaschool.campbrainregistration.com/
Action 2: Contact Ellie! It's never a bad idea to have a chat in person to get more information. Ellie is our Recruitment Coordinator and can be reached at registration@seaschool.org or 1 (902) 423 7284
Sea School offers a variety of payment options. We do have a limited amount of bursary funds so cannot guarantee your request, but we encourage anyone in need to apply! Please see the options below. These will be the options presented to you in your application online. Select the scenario that works best for you and we will review your request and reach out if we have any questions.
Payment Options:
Payment Plan
Payment Indication
Request to pay in full
Request to make 2 equal payments
Request to make 3 equal payments
Request to make 4 equal payments
Request for Bursary
If requesting bursary support please complete the next section.
Bursary Requested
Request for 25% Bursary
Request for 50% Bursary
Request for 75% Bursary
Request for 100% Bursary
The Nova Scotia Sea School can not guarantee financial support.
The Nova Scotia Sea School has internal and external bursary and financial support options. Please complete the following section to the best of your ability to help us offer the most complete options for bursary or financial support options.
Inclusion and Access Youth Bursaries
The Sea School provides tuition bursaries of up to 100% for young individuals from historically underrepresented communities in outdoor recreation programming. This encompasses, but is not restricted to, Indigenous Peoples, Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, people experiencing gender barriers, people with disabilities, refugees, immigrants, those from single-parent households, individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and other marginalized communities. Our objective is to foster an inclusive environment where all young people, irrespective of their backgrounds, can participate in outdoor activities.
Is this youth a member of an underrepresented community? If so, please elaborate.
Income Assistance and Youth In Care Bursaries with NS Dept. of Community Services
The Sea School may be able to offer 100% tuition bursaries for youth from Halifax Regional Municipality who meet ONE of the following criteria: 1) The youth is on income assistance 2) The youth is the dependent of a parent / guardian on income assistance 3) The youth is in care
Are you requesting this bursary for a youth from Halifax Regional Municipality who meet ONE of these criteria?
OTHER Bursaries and Scholarship Options (3rd Party)
If Sea School is unable to provide bursary support or only partial support, we encourage you to explore a 3rd party scholarship or bursary. We are happy to provide reference letters for any grant applications and can also help you navigate forms, etc.
Kids Sport Provincial Fund - This is an online application anyone can apply to. There may be a local chapter in your community. You can find all of that information on the website. This application requires income / tax information.
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Individual Child Grants - This is an online application anyone can apply to. This also requires income / tax information.
PRO Kids - South Shore NS Only
Duke of Edinburgh Grants - Sea School’s expeditions are valid for Duke of Edinburgh awards ‘Adventurous Journey’ and you may be able to access funds for your participation.
Recreation Tax Deduction - Healthy Living Tax Credit - A reminder that you can claim your activities with Sea School as part of the